Windows install
EcoAssist is free to use for everybody. However, the development and maintenance of the platform require time and resources. We can’t do this work without the support of many valuable donors around the world – and we hope you’d like to become one of them. If you like the project, please consider supporting it with a donation.
In order to install EcoAssist, you’ll have to download and open the installation file. It will install quite a lot of dependencies, so don’t panic if the installation takes 10–20 minutes and generates lots of textual feedback as it does so. Please note that some antivirus, VPN, proxy servers or other protection software might interfere with the installation. If you’re having trouble, please disable this protection software for the duration of the installation. Repeat this procedure to update to the latest version. There is no need to remove any old files when reinstalling or updating.
If you need to install EcoAssist on a highly protected machine, such as those commonly used by universities or government agencies, we recommend seeking assistance from your IT department.
If anything seems off, let me know and I’ll help you get on your way.
A few notes:
- If the installation file doesn’t open when double-clicked, you can drag and drop it in a command prompt window (search applications for ‘command prompt’) and press enter.
- If you’ve executed it with admin rights, it will be installed for all users. If you don’t have admin rights, you will be prompted if you’d still like to enter an admin password, or proceed with the non-admin install – which will make EcoAssist available for your user only.
- EcoAssist requires Git and Conda to be installed on your device. It will automatically check if these requirements are met. If not, you’ll get instructions on how to proceed.
- When the installation is finished, there will be a shortcut file in your downloads folder. You are free to move this file to a more convenient location. EcoAssist will open when double-clicked. Opening EcoAssist for the first time will take a bit longer than usual due to script compilation. Have patience, all subsequent times will be better.
- If you’re having trouble with permissions issues, you can choose to run it inside a Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) environment. See the steps here.